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Composicion en ingles sobre la Navidad en Venezuela

Christmas in Venezuela

1. It is the most colourful Christmas in Latin America. It has firework shows.

2. Traditional Christmas music in Venezuela is 'Gaita' music.

3. Another music in Venezuela are 'Aguinaldos’ and ‘Parrandas'.

4. Presents are given at the midnight on Christmas Eve.

5. In Venezuela, Baby Jesus and Papa Noel bring the gifts to children.

6. Some homes will have an artificial Christmas Tree.

7. Nativity Scenes are very popular.

8. The Midnight Mass is very popular.

9. In Caracas people roller-skating in the mornings before Christmas.

10. Traditional Christmas foods are ‘tamales’ and ‘Pan de Jamón’ and Chicken Salad.

11. Christmas celebrations start on December 21st.

12. Another important day, the day of The Three Kings on January 6th.

13. People also paint their houses two weeks before Christmas.

14. Many people have new clothes for Christmas.
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